Mississippi Timber

Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce

$1.48 Billion value of production
84,024 Forest-related jobs
$4.42 Billion in income
Forestry accounts for 4% of ALL Jobs
15.44 Billion in forestry and forestry product industry
Forest product manufacturing represents the largest share of total manufacturing GDP in Mississippi at 14.9%

Whether you fly over or drive through Mississippi, you are immediately impressed by the beauty and abundance of our timberlands. With approximately 19.3 million acres of forest land, Mississippi is ranked 3rd in timber producing acres in the Southeastern US.

Mississippi has

Map of Mississippi

The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce and Mississippi State University contributed to produce this map.

Downloadable version may be obtained at http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/

Acreage data from the US Forest Service’s Forest Inventory Analysis, and NAFO.

19 million acres of forestland


63% covered in forestland


89% privately owned

Timber as the 2nd largest commodity

1,000 loggers operating under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Standards, SFI

1,939 private, non-industrial landowners

2,904 certified American tree farms

PRIVATE owned American Tree Farm System Standards (ATFS) total 809,378 Acres

1,051 state owned ATFS tree farms

Total of 1.28 million Acres in Certified Tree Farms under the ATFS

Timber is the Leading Agricultural commodity in over half of the counties in the state

Mississippi timber mills produce everything from utility poles, construction mats, dimensional lumber, plywood, newsprint, timbers, beams, pallets, and pellets.

Mississippi has a strong infrastructure of timber resources including privately owned timberland, a well-trained logging community committed to the sustainability of our forests, state of the art mills, and home to some of the world’s largest bio-mass pellet companies.

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121 N. Jefferson St, Jackson, MS 39202